Secret Church 2025 Livestream
to Apr 12

Secret Church 2025 Livestream


Sign up for a Secret Church 2025 livestream at one of three local churches. Read below to learn more about Secret Church 2025 and register at one the links below!

We’re all hard-wired to want to make our lives count. None of us wants to get to the end of life, look back, and realize, “I missed the point.” So how do we make our lives count? This step-by-step journey through the life of Jesus in the book of Matthew will reveal a clear answer to that question. And for all who are bold enough to follow his lead, by God’s grace we are guaranteed to get to the end of our time in this world and realize, “My life counted for what matters most.”

What to Expect:

  • Join us for a 6 hour deep dive as we walk step-by-step through the Gospel of Matthew.

  • Pray and support the church in Indonesia, North Korea, Myanmar, and other hard to reach places.

  • Be encouraged to make your life count for what matters most by following Jesus and making him known in your neighborhood and among all nations.

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SEND Athens Conference
7:00 PM19:00

SEND Athens Conference

  • 1196 South Lumpkin Street Athens, GA, 30605 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Over 3 billion people around the world have no way of hearing the good news of Jesus. We believe God is using the city of Athens to play a part in changing that.

God is worthy of worship from every tribe, tongue, and nation, and He invites us into the work of making Him known. We believe there is no greater joy than to join with God in what He is doing around the world. 

King Jesus commissioned His Church to declare His gospel message and make disciples among all peoples. We believe the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.

But what will it take to reach the nations?
What is the current state of the gospel around the globe?
Is missions for everyone?
What is my role?
Join with believers in Athens for a night of addressing these questions, celebrating how God is at work around the globe, and discovering how you and your church can make a difference.

REGISTER HERE by March 14th to receive a free t-shirt with registration!

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